Sezione A.R.I. Loano

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Se sei un Marconista e vuoi sponsorizzare un bravo telegrafista per farlo entrare di diritto nel Marconi Club ARI Loano, puoi farlo!
If you are a Radio Officer and you want to sponsor a good telegrapher in order  to allow him to join  the Marconi Club ARI Loano you can do it!

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Riservato ai soci

Reserved for members


9A1AA Ivo
Congratulations You are the winner of the 4th edition of the Qso Party Day 2022.....! 

 Ciao Tony!
Yess, I receive very nice plaque.
Sorry for the delay.
I send some pictures for you.
I'm looking forward to the QSO Party Day 2023.
Best regards to you and all Marconi Club ARI Loano members.
73, Ivo 9A1AA{jcomments off}